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Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?

Post 21


Hi Jen

These docs.
I don't see mine very often, but when I do, he says: "Oh, you do look lovely/elegant/smart to-day. You've got a new hair style. I like it!
And how is the New Mini?
By that time I 've forgotten what I came for and discuss his family.
This doc. is always having newvous breakdowns, so I end up sympathising with him.smiley - sadface
Still, as long as he dishes out the sleeping tablets, he's O.K. with me.
There were 4 docs. at our surgery. Two of them have run off, each with a practise nurse.smiley - erm What do they do behind those screens, you wonder.
Last time I went I had bronchitis. My doc. said: "Go and lie down on the couch, I want to feel your tummy."!!!!! And I did and he did. And I thought: docs, get away with murder. If the butcher said that he'd get his face slapped, wouldn't he? And I didn't get any explanation either.

The creme brulee was so disappointing. They had forgotten the sugar in the creme, it tasted of nothing.

Ought to go to bed now. Going to Horsham tomorrow, bit of shopping.

Nighty night, Jen.smiley - kisssmiley - kiss
Keep taking the tablets

smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - zoom

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Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?

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