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Post 1


Hi Catharina

Saw you were on line.

The coffee shop is closed or are you all drinking cocktails in the garden ?

I remember once I was with a group of friends and I ordered a strawberry 'dickery'. My friend screamed hysterically and spilled her Sex on the Beach on the bar-room floor.

Hot hot weather. Just having a quick drink then off to make some phone calls.

Speak soon,




Post 2


Hi Jen

How funny that our posts clashed. Great minds etc.

I think I'd prefer sex on the beach to a strawberry dickery. Hmm.

My cat used to love moths, looked so comical as she walked around with the moth fluttering out of her little mouth and her not knowing what to do with it. She also loved frogs, would sit and stare at them and then, tentatively, gently touch it and the frog would hop away and she'd chase it. It was the hopping she enjoyed. She once ate one and was dreadfully sick, so learnt her lesson.

Very hot here too, still not a drop of rain and the last two days I've forgotten to get the hosepipe out. I chose not to have a water-meter as I do enjoy going around with the hosepipe, makes me feel like a real gardener.

The clusters were the least of my problems. The computer went from dead-slow to stop. So frustrating! I spent hours looking at an unmoving screen. Seem to be back to normal now.(whatever that is)

Didn't look in at the CB any more, I nearly left a message asking if everybody was under the table, but didn't bother.

They don't CARE if we're lonely. Do they? Do they? Ahh, getting quite belligerent now. Better drink up and go to bed.

Sweet dreams.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch


Post 3


Night night, dear Catherina.

Still haven't showered !

Mr Y back very soon so must get a move on and be radiant. My friend was also partial to a Slippery Nipple, and on that high brow note I shall go !

Sweet dreams, hope you sleep, oh at least 4 hours !!

love and smiley - smooch


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