This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1


Hi Becks

Just a line to say I heard you on JV today and you sounded really great.

Well done. I hope you had a lovely time with Helen in the studio. It must have been great fun.

Don't know if you'll pick this up........

smiley - hug


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hello Jen

How are you? smiley - smiley Well I hope. It's been ages since I've been over here Helen said you had left a message. Thank you for saying I sounded great I think I sounded ummmm nervous. I had no warning of the question, we didn't even know we were going on air until a couple of minutes before! Didn't Helen do the R2 Jingle well? I was so proud of her.

It certainly was a wonderful and exciting experience to go behind the scenes at R2, meet JV and the team. Helen is lovely, we had great fun together and really clicked. Jason is wonderful company, we had a fabulous and fun evening with him the night before in Russell Square.

We are worn out though after all the excitment and late nights so I'm
smiley - yawning now and will soon be sending up the smiley - zzz

Take care and keep in touch.

Becky smiley - hug


Post 3


Hi Becky,

Thank you for getting back to mesmiley - smiley I am very well thankyou, and I hope you are too.

I missed Helen doing the jingle, so I'll go back onto replay. Helen e mailed and said it was one of the best days of her life. She is a very caring person, and I can just see you both getting on really wellsmiley - laugh
Is Jason as good looking as his photograph smiley - bigeyes

I know it's no excuse, but I was having a really tough time, and I felt I couldn't trust anyone. I can't say anymore, because this is such an open forum. I did confide in Helen, and she has been an absolute smiley - star
And so have you - I wasn't sure if you would replysmiley - erm

I missed our daft little chats with all the smileys.

I hope we can keep in touch.


Jensmiley - hug


Post 4

Researcher U634370

Hello Jen smiley - biggrin

I'm a bit out of practice over here forgotten all the smiley - smiley's! Helen definitely is a smiley - star, she did the jingle leading into the 1o'clock news you can hear JV say "very good" in the background!!!

It was a fantastic 24 hours and yes Jason is even more gorgeous than his photo!! I think it's fair to say we clicked as well, ah well....

I'm sitting here with a smiley - towel on my head so I must go and get dressed! I'm always happy to chat with you and enjoyed your company. At least you know I'm real now! smiley - biggrin It can be hard to trust people sometimes and I understand that, there are some very strange characters on the boards.

Will write more when I am dressed! Lovely to hear from you and glad you are well.

smiley - hug


Post 5


Hi Becky smiley - biggrin

Ah, Jason smiley - drool And to think I missed him today on the radio. Helen said he played my favourite record as well. That's got to be Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks.smiley - yikes

Helen and I used to go mad for Jeremy to play that songsmiley - laugh

Is Jeremy as handsome as he looks in his photographs and on the telly !
Oh, what am I likesmiley - blush

Yes, there are some funny people. But, I'm moving on. I had to take a deep breath before I went into the CB today ! smiley - silly eh

Must go in the bath shortly. Been swimming today and I can still smell the chlorine - even though I did shower afterwardssmiley - laugh



Post 6

Researcher U634370

Good Afternoon Jen

smiley - sorry to be so long getting back to you. There's a lot going on lately and I seem to be on boards all over the place. What with the out of hours Party Parlour and everything!! To be honest out of the girls it's only really Helen, Fly and I at the moment who regularly get together so to speak. The other girls in the CB are ok but seem to have their own friends which is a bit like life in general isn't it? Chorlton's fun though and geninue I'm in email contact with her. Penny's busy with Martin and his round Britain bike ride but once he sets off no doubt she will be around again.

So we are all really pleased to have you back, so glad you took a deep breath and returned.smiley - biggrin

Yes JV is gorgeous very tall he had to bend down when he posed for the photos with us. I think H and I spent 24 hours smiley - drooling one way or another. We are all like it!!! Girls at heart.

Must speak again soon.

smiley - hug
Love Becky


Post 7


Morning Beckysmiley - biggrin

Grey and damp here, but not too cold. Got stil got the heating on though smiley - brrsmiley - brr

What's the Party Parlour !! Sounds wicked smiley - evilgrin

Yes, Helen, Fly and you are the ones I have always thought I got on best with. I have only spoken to Chorlton about 3 maybe 4 times, but she has always been very friendly.
(I think she told me about a big pot of smiley - tea last week. And the 'shower' joke she said was just like her daughter !)
It must really lovely nice for you to be able to talk about BS and all the places you both know.smiley - smiley
All lost on me, I can only just get to the Mall and backsmiley - laugh
Didn't know about Penny's Martin. I wonder how long the journey will take him. Suppose it depends on how fast he drives and how big a bike he's gotsmiley - biggrin

Ah, Jeremy.....Lucky girls. Fancy Helen being on again. I must use my play again thingie. My pc is so slow these days,

Anyway, m'dear, have a lovely day. Hope you and family are all well,


Jen smiley - runsmiley - run Must go and chat a mo to Mr Psmiley - winkeye


Post 8

Researcher U634370

Morning Jen

Sorry to be so long replying, its been a very bad week Lucy was admitted to hospital again on Wed night at 3.30am and we didn't have any sleep from then onwards. Plus I've had an horrendously sore throat, stressed with work etc etc. Lucy has now been referred to a hospice, so I spend two days smiley - wah but I'm smiley - ok and we are still making the best of life smiley - smiley

Anyway going back to the work thingy I'm resigning on Monday as they have treated me so badly and I'm just sick of it. I'm going to work for one of my clients with MS a few hours a week and thinking of setting up my own consultancy as so many of the Social Workers want to avail themselves of my services. I plan to take most of the summer off apart from working with this one client.

Back to more cheerful things the PP is a private board by invitation only it is run my MYK and Paula from Bristol and I am an Assistant Mngr it's really for parties after the CB shuts and can be fun when Jason is on. A lot of the CB are members, if you want to join let me know and it can be arranged.

I often wonder what I would do without my friends on the board like Helen and Fly they have been so supportive to me over the past year or more. Oh BTW Martin's bike ride is to fund raise for the RNLI and he is visiting all their stations around Great Britian if you go to their web site it tells you all about it.

Must smiley - run speak soon.

smiley - hug


Post 9


Morning Beckysmiley - smiley

I am so very sorry to read about Lucy. And to be admitted to the hospice as well. You all bear up very well. Lots of others would have gone completely under with the worry.
But good for you to put on a brave face and make the best of life. There are times when that's the only thing to do.
How is your son coping ? I hope he's all right.
I know there are lots of bugs and viruses going the rounds, but like you, I suspect your throat could be down to stress. My throat is my vulnerable area too. smiley - sadface

You are doing the best thing by resigning from your job. You just can't go out to work when the atmosphere is unpleasant. Work, apart from anything else, should also be fun - a place where you can escape your worries, not get a load more problems.

Thank you for inviting me to join PP. I'll have a little think about it. What do you have to do to join ?
Being an assistant manager, do you get free drinkssmiley - laughsmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - redwinesmiley - stoutsmiley - cidersmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - milksmiley - oj
Whoops, got carried away theresmiley - cool

I went to have a look at P's site, but then I got an error messagesmiley - erm
I haven't a clue what it means. Without giving anything away, I might ask in the Cb if anybody has info. There are a lot of brain boxes in theresmiley - magic

Fly and Helen are really very good and supportive. I am glad they have been there for you.

Take care, Becky, I shall think about you,

love and smiley - hug


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