This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

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Post 1


I must reply to you. It's easy to cancel membershipsmiley - erm Only way to make sure I can't go back. Does that make sense ?
I have read your e mail and smiley - diva is meant as a compliment. The best singer, the best dancer. I remember you once said your hair was like Cleopatra's, and although you're now blonde, I still picture you with long black hair, pale skin, full makeup, always laughing, outgoing and a good dancer. I am sorry. I wasn't being mean about a smiley - diva
Rich - I was only teasing. These days I just cannot bear to think of smiley - pumpkin and nutmeg. How I got through Halloween I will never know. He was devastated when his American girl-friend stopped writing. I remember on National Dating Day, he sent out a message, but only PG replied. Oh, and me. He was very disappointed. I knew all about his peppers and reading; the music in the library; the problems with his eyesight and spectacles. But we stoped writing when Miss USA arrived.
I don't have massive problems. I know life can be tough for you with your little girl, and I should have been considerate and more thoughtful of your feelings.
Because of an earlier problem with a poster, I am so distrustful. Not Helen of course, as she is such a lovely sweet and genuine person. And so are you, and MR,PG, RD, FBN and Bc. Well, everybody really........smiley - smiley
I think I have covered everything. I sent you a message but you've not replied, and I understand. But, I didn't want to end the year on such a bad thing. Have a lovely Christmas,
See you, smiley - mouse X

Oh, and sorry about the smiley - tit as well. Right, I'll get me coat.

No Subject

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hello Lost

Thank you for your message above. I had a phone call around the time you posted in the CB and by the time I scrolled through to see who you had posted to it was shut.

There is no bad feeling as far as I'm concerned. It is wise to distrust to a certain extent but as you say most of the people are really lovely, kind and warm people who meet for fun and friendship. I'm not friendly with anyone on the boards who wants to have a laugh at anyones expense, which is why I felt hurt that you thought that about me or the others for that matter. I also don't expect people to treat me differently because I have a disabled child to look after.

If it makes you feel better to reregister then smiley - ok but I don't really understand it as you have come back. I didn't take the smiley - diva reference as a insult but some people might the smiley - witch at work certainly uses it in a derogatory way but I was not offended so no worries. I only have blonde highlights once a year so thank you for your compliments, I shall keep on dancing.smiley - smiley

Yes I know Rich was very upset about his friend, it was hardly surprising that he didn't message you when he was busy with her. I feel guilty because I hadn't emailed him for ages or any of the others for that matter. So I've rectified that today and I hope he comes back as I certainly miss him.

I hope you can begin to trust us all, relax and enjoy things for what they are. We all laughed so much when you used to make up great stories with Neil and his various characters.

Hoping you have a lovely christmas and enjoy your trip to Scotland.

Perhaps you can bring us all back some haggis? smiley - smiley

B xx

No Subject

Post 3


Hi, Bex, just a quickie.

Had just e mailed Helen when I decided to look at the messages and saw Mr Perkins !! smiley - yikes

I also saw you smiley - biggrin

You're right, Rich would hardly e mail me when busy with his US smiley - angel !!

smiley - erm, Bex, if I remember rightly, my stories were naff smiley - laugh

Happy smiley - santa to the BDG house smiley - ok ?

smiley - hug xx

No Subject

Post 4

Researcher U634370

OH NO THEY WERN'T smiley - biggrin don't put yourself down.

Hope smiley - santa brings you what you wish for.

The smiley - reindeer are getting ready and so must I smiley - yikes mum-in-law arrives tomorrow and no spare bed made up yet. Must smiley - run

Have a fun smiley - bubbly time.

smiley - hug and xxx

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