This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

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Post 1


Was just about to write to you !!!

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Post 2

Researcher U634370

Greetings just about to leave you a CARD!!! as I've emailed musical ones to the others so here goes:

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

Dashing through the smiley - snowball......

Rudolph the red nosed smiley - reindeer had a very shiney nose de de de de de

Jingle Bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one smiley - pony opened sleigh HEY

The smiley - holly and the ivy .......

Hope smiley - santa brings you everything you wish for and a very

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.

smiley - love

smiley - hug & smiley - tickle

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Post 3


smiley - applause


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