This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1


I can see you


smiley - zoom


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hi Fly, Can you? I wasn't even on h2g2! Had gone off to have my dinner yummy yummy fresh runner beans from the garden.

We will probably keep missing each other again! smiley - doh

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fishsmiley - kisssmiley - hug


Post 3


How strange!

Do you think they just put our names "Online" to make it look good and busy?

How wonderful, runner beans from the garden! Nothing better.

See you tomorrow




Post 4

Researcher U634370

Morning smiley - zoom

I can see you!!! Thanks for email detailing how to deal with flies, we seem to have more wasps than flies, apparently they are predicting a wasp epidemic, hope not! Will reply before I go away. J is on this afternoon between 2-4 I believe!

It was gorgeous here yesterday, only I'm frantically getting ready to go away and can't be bother to do anything because of the heat. I'm going to make a determined effort to get it done this morning so I can relax this afternoon. I feel as though I have to give the house a good clean before we go away as the neighbours will be coming in to water the plants, silly I know but she's the type that will notice a squashed fly on the windowsill!

Lucy suffers in the heat and was in a very funny mood yesterday, we don't want her to be ill before we go away so fingers crossed. We kept her in doors yesterday and we have a big ceiling fan in the lounge and another portable one which she had in her room last night. She does worry us because she is an awful drinker at the best of times and is not drinking enough smiley - doh.

See you later off for a smiley - coffee and ironing groan groan.

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fishsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss


Post 5


Hello B.

I know what you mean having to clean the house before you go, we all do it. Nice when you come back, isn't it?

I wondered how Lucy was coping, poor girl. Is she being cared for while you have a break? Or is she coming with you? You're going tomorrow, aren't you, until when?? Shall miss you.smiley - sadface

I've been invited to a lunch time barbecue. so will probabably miss Jason again. Isn't that a lovely picture of him? He looks so cheerful, open and honest. From what he says he spends all his spare time with his family. Wonder why? He must meet so many people.

The techie-man installed a new anti-virus thing, called (I think) Ad aware. I ran it this morning and it shows 2 new objects with red beasties by the side. Now I don't know what to do next and "milkman" isn't answering the phone. It seems I've always got something, doesn't it?

I hope to see you around before you go, but if we miss each other again, I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - cheers

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