This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

I'm not a herm!

Post 1



It's Bc - enjoying my first day on h2g2 - but just wanted to say hi!
Oh and I'm still male! See you at the CB!

smiley - bubbly

I'm not a herm!

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hi Koen

Welcome to my space. Let me get you a smiley - ale. It's nice to see you here. I never really thought you were female, although I'm surprised Jas got it wrong just shows no ones perfect! I guess it was the smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss to him that caused the confusion.

It was all meant in fun, not meant to cause any upset.smiley - hug

Bye for now.

BD smiley - fishsmiley - cheers

I'm not a herm!

Post 3


Guess it was the XXX-thing (they're not kisses, they're nuts).
Anyway, must admit it's a lovely bunch (minus 1).

Can you really do a belly dance? I mean really?

Tnx for having me here and at the CB smiley - teasmiley - cake

You have a carefree night, fantastic weekend, wonderful week.

Catch you latersmiley - oksmiley - alesmiley - bubbly

Cheerssmiley - choc

XXX Bsmiley - choc

It's strange being called Koen but hey you can't choose your name.


I'm not a herm!

Post 4

Researcher U634370

Morning Koen

I think everyone's name is strange to them, I've often thought that, not sure why? You think we would get used to it!smiley - laugh

smiley - erm Yes I do belly dance for real, I consider myself a relative beginner of the art, it is very complicated and there are many different styles. My favourite being American Tribal Style which is a fairly new form based on Gypsy tribes from Afganistan and surrounding areas. Although revived in a new form in San Francisco a while back. A lot of the costumes and jewellery have to be purchased from abroad and it can be a very expensive hobby. My dance teacher makes costumes and sell's them on the internet, she has now made Belly Dance a full time career. I aspire to dance like her! She danced in an Afternoon Play on BBC1 a few years ago in a tale about a women who went to belly dancing lessons and rediscovered herself. Many of the girls I dance with appeared as extras. There was a lot of contraversy over it at the time because the teacher who gave the Star Actress (Natalie from Cornation Street forgotten her real name!) lessons, went on the BBC Points of View board critising her dance. Needless to say, it caused a bit row in the UK Belly Dance community and the teacher although using a false name was tracked down because she used the name of her Cat in her name!That's what brought me to the boards in the first place! Then I found my way to R2 and the CB. I have been a visitor on and off since then.

That's my story, how did you come to end up in the CB you have obviously been peeping for a long time?

Can I get you a smiley - tea and smiley - cake?

I'm smiley - sadface because the sun is not shinning here yet!

BD smiley - fishsmiley - bubbly

PS I'm glad you explained about your XXX NUTS! I think we were all a little confused!

I'm not a herm!

Post 5


Good morning BDG,

Don't want to rub it in, but I'msmiley - biggrin because the sun IS shining and I mean full gear! Maybe she has just lost your address for a moment. You never can tell with these celestial bodies!

Well I've been thinking (don't smirk!) and to tell you the truth I can't remember how it came about. I always visit the BBC for news/sport etc. but I guess it was around the time of the ESC and soon I was board-hopping and actually reading whole threads and then it still took some time.. Basically I just kept thinking oh no the fuss about registering and looking back why? - it isn't that hard - guess I was just lazy.
I'll never forget PG's reply about her passion bubbling all over the shop. I enjoy the absurd conversations and I even have my own little guideline: everybody likes an envelope.

At first I was bothered about why everyone thought I was one of the regulars using a pseudonym, but now I just feel a wee bit flattered.
Seems these anglo-orientation years finally pay off.

smiley - tea and smiley - cake gratefully accepted.

Keep on dancing, my sweet belly buttoned belle.

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley Koen

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