This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

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Post 1


What did you mean, BDG about Texas? Did I miss something?

Have you seen my new page? You may have commented already, I do get terribly muddled up. Nothing new there then.smiley - erm

Haven't seen you much lately. I have a look at the CB now and again, pleased to see Perks was back and for a little while yesterday it was like the old days. But quite boring much of the time, isn'tit? (Oh, I like that mistake)smiley - biggrin
Keep meaning to ask you, is that a picture of YOU belly-dancing? Please say it is. Have smiley - redwine on me...

Lots of smiley - love

smiley - zoom

Missthe smileys on the other side.

Back from the other side.

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hi Fly smiley - biggrin
It's coming live from Texas R2 Drivetime starting in a bit!!

Which woman do you mean on the site? I'm not in the main tribe but in the sister tribe, but I do dress up like them smiley - biggrin

Lucy's just got home safely so must smiley - run see you later for a Friday night smiley - bubbly or smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

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