This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

Your Message to Johnnie in the CB

Post 1

Jolly Old Saint Nick

What was Iain "Inside Info" Smith upto over here.

More retirement threads for Johnnie and wonky crystal ball predictions for Radio 2 ?


Your Message to Johnnie in the CB

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Must be smiley - magic Nick cos all the thread's have now gone including my one to Johnnie. Alas. Well at least I relieved the Dark Master's boredom for a few moments.

Off to bed now with a smiley - coffee.


BD smiley - fish

Your Message to Johnnie in the CB

Post 3


Hi Nick smiley - ok

I wonder what would happen if JW made regular postings to the MBs?

Would it be smiley - smileysmiley - lovesmiley - smooch for Johnnie?

Or would it be smiley - envysmiley - grrsmiley - brokenheartsmiley - huh

Methinks option 2 is most likely...

Rich smiley - sheep

Your Message to Johnnie in the CB

Post 4

Researcher U634370

Hi ya Rich smiley - sheep

Nice to see you in my messages.

I agree it would be option 2....

My post was because the other night Johnnie said he tried to post to Iain and had an email back from the beep saying not to impersonate presenters!!! Had the message pulled smiley - laugh

I found the Iain in question in here he had been guided over there by someone from our group earlier on in the week. Do you think I should post the message again to Johnnie on the right board?

Must smiley - run off to work have a good day on the boards.

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

Your Message to Johnnie in the CB

Post 5

Geordie Girl

Morning BDG

Where did you find our 'thoughtful' poster in here? Would like to know what he was up to!

See you later.


Your Message to Johnnie in the CB

Post 6


Hi smiley - fish

I'm smiley - run too in a second, as my library terminal session is running out smiley - wah

See ya smiley - ok

smiley - sheep

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