This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1

Pond Girl

Hi B smiley - fishsmiley - kisssmiley - hsif,

Well it was such a good party I still haven't found my brain cells, although the keyboard has at least stopped moving underneath my fingers smiley - weird.

The head has just about stopped hurting since I drugged it into submission smiley - nahnah

Leftover chicken curry, Pinot Noir and chocolate pots tonight, hopefully it'll settle smiley - ill.

smiley - love and smiley - hugsmiley - hug

PG smiley - ok just!


Post 2

Researcher U634370


Glad you had a good time must have been hectic? I'm having liver tonight keep my iron levels up!!

Been on the all day and now just had a smiley - bubbly that's for white wine, smiley - redwine rules. Have you done much exploring since you've been here?

I've been popping about doing a bit of research no entries on Radio 2 or DJ's that I can see except of course now Jeremy havn't checked for all of them havn't had time.

Very little on Carer's as well.

If you leave me a message could you put it in the BDG Message Centre Thread which is where anyone signing in will go automatically smiley - sorry don't want to sound bossy just trying to keep thinks organised and simple for myself. Thanks to the amazing help I've had from our Electric Sheperd have you met him yet?

Must smiley - run will pop back later.

Lots of smiley - hug & smiley - kiss's to you both.

BD smiley - hsif

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