This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 41

Researcher U634370

smiley - biggrin Hello Vicky

Really glad you found me sorry to be so long getting back to you. Hope you find this message at the end of the line.

It's a long story as to how we all came over here, but there was a phrase when Scott Clout drove us all to distraction and we followed someone else over here to get away from him. To be honest these days we don't use it much but it can come in handy. I would like to get more involved over here and write some articles, but never seem to get the serious time, or I'm too smiley - sleepy. I often hope the R2 lot would contribute to the guide but as yet they have not pooled their collective resources. There is currently no guide entry for R2 I often wonder with all their arguing on the R2 board whether it could be put to better use.

The majority CB lot are just great and I've made many very good friends we've had a lot of laughs together. Mike I have met several times as he went to the same school for the visually impaired in Exeter my daughter now goes to, so when we visit the school we meet up with him. Catharina, Penny (PG) and Jason I have all spoken to on the phone and I hope to speak to Helen soon. So your not the only one that there has been a bit of a coincidence with. I am a great believer if people are meant to know each other they will and "it's a very small world".

I am fascinated to hear your stories of your family and couldn't believe it when we first got to know each other. I think once you loose one of your parents it makes you want to cling onto the past more and want to keep a bit of history going. The boyfriend I went to the Mason's/Cross Hands with was David Lloyd who still as far as I know still lives in Frampton Cotterell he was one of nine and lived opposite the shops on Watley's End Road. One of his sisters Pam worked at the Mason's so I'm sure Gilbert would remember us.

If you email me at [email protected] I will give you my personal email address from there. I guess this sounds a bit like another trail smiley - biggrin but I did have a bit of a bad experience over here a couple of weeks before Christmas and anyone can still read these messages and see who is on line.

Your Ace looks nice I havn't come across her before this is a vast place with a lot to explore its just having the time to do it! Anyway you can do all sorts with the smilies here so here's a large smiley - redwine or a smiley - bubbly to celebrate you finding me.

Must go and get some smiley - zzz now I'm exhausted. Hope to hear from you soon.

smiley - hug & smiley - kiss Becky


Post 42

Researcher U634370

I see you! So I've had a second wind and will stay around a while in case you reply.



Post 43




Post 44


Testing 123........

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