This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1

Pond Girl

How do you personalise your front page so that it says a personal 'hello' to whoever is visiting?smiley - erm

PG smiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 2


Give insmiley - ok
Haven't got that far yetsmiley - wahsmiley - sadfacesmiley - bubbly
Corrie b isn't very happy on the other board, she had a right go at somebodysmiley - tea


Post 3

Researcher U634370

Hi PG just type .

Freddie got into Grammar school!!!!

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish


Post 4


Hope it's a good grammar school. My son had a nightmare due to the fact that the grammar school was stuck in the 1960's (Black cloak for the headmaster and totally Rugby orientated etc) They also concentrated on the "Star" pupils who could get them good reports in the OFFSTED thingy and ingnored the rest and left them to struggle and gave them a really bad time! My son had a really dreadful time for 4 years( and so did we because of it)..Then suddenly in his last year he decided to aim for the qualifications he wanted and not what the school wanted him to get for their precious league tables. End result he got the 5 he wanted at the grades he required to enter the Army Foundation College, where he has been since September and is loving every minute of it. (apart from the fact that last night he was in sick bay with hypothermia after a 2 day excersize in Wales somewhere!..but he laughs it off.)

He will leave the AFC in Harrogate in August and move to Kent for another 6 months to concentrate on electronics b4 being posted somewhere in the world when he is 18. I am dead proud of him.

The school said he would never take the discipline!..well I have great joy every now and then sending them a photograph of him in uniform with muscles bulging and leaving said photo's for the headmaster( thanks to a very kind librarian in the school who leaves them on his desk for me!)


The Grammar School in question is rather low down on the league I hope that the one your son goes to is a very good one and looks after him.


Who( if I'm rambling apologies..but it was 4 years of hell!)smiley - hug


Post 5

Researcher U634370

Hi Togs

I'm hoping so he is very sensitive and to be honest we can't see him surviving in a school of 1700 or more. The Grammar school in question has come in the top twenty and it's his choice so I am pleased for him.

Oh what a place this eh? I'm in a smiley - somersault you seem to be doing smiley - ok though surprise surprise!!!

Must smiley - run C. Street in a mo have to stay in touch with smiley - earth.

Regards to Mrs Togs. Here's a large smiley - bubbly for her.

Back later maybe.

BD smiley - fish


Post 6


I'msmiley - run also my gardening programmes are on bbc 2 at 8pmsmiley - biggrin

My therapy hasn't started yet due to the fact that the real Doc wants me off the smiley - bubbly b4 he gets to grips with my braincells again so he referred me to a smiley - bubbly advice centre againsmiley - sadface met the same counsellor this morning as 2 years ago. He even remembered my address and my wifes namesmiley - erm. Proper therapy starts in 2 weeks, meanwhile Mrs W watches very carefully what I consumesmiley - cool Hence the sensible posts and all the decorating and gardening..bugger!

At this rate I will have the whole house re-decorated in 2 monthssmiley - ok


Post 7

Jolly Old Saint Nick

Is this the good Dr ?

How you doing ?


Post 8


tis togwart/dr..trying to behave myself and talk some sense for a changesmiley - biggrin..speaking of which I am off to bed to with Jeremy Paxmansmiley - sadface Mrs tog/w states I have had mysmiley - ale quota for the daysmiley - sadface and am begining to pontificate whatever that meanssmiley - ok

Will pontificate tomorrowsmiley - cheers


Post 9

Pond Girl

B!! smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applause for Freddie! What a total smiley - star

We've just got back from parents evening. I don't know whether to smiley - laugh or smiley - wah !!

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss



Post 10


I suggestsmiley - magicsmiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - biggrin

smiley - cakesmiley - wahsmiley - cool


Post 11

Researcher U634370

Thanks PG I was just about to smiley - run haven't had my Dinner yet! Only just noticed Rich.

Are you around for a while? I'll try and pop back later if you are seems ages since we've chatted! smiley - biggrin

Lots of Love

BD smiley - fish


Post 12

Pond Girl

Sorry B darling I'm going to have an early night smiley - sleepysmiley - sleepy. We've been really busy today trying to straighten out the house after the decorators and before Sunday's party, still heaps to do.

If you want to see a picture of part of our garden in the snow at 6am have a look at Pondboy's bike link on our website, it really did look pretty.

smiley - fishsmiley - hugsmiley - hsif



Post 13

Researcher U634370

Will do sleep tight P won't be long behind you.

Big smiley - kiss to you and PB.

Lots of smiley - love

B smiley - fish


Post 14

Researcher U634370

Just looked. It looks like the middle of winter!!! Snow all gone here just foggy and grim this afternoon.

smiley - wah will PB take me on his bike? smiley - love his page.

Have a great time on Sunday wish we could be there. Chat soon.

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

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