This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

I've asked Smudger and this is what he says:

Post 1

moved to new address

Don't think I'm putting it in the correct place, BDG, as I can't find our original thread mentioning this subject. Anyway, this is what Smudger said to us:

Hi Corrie , Right then, if you want to add a person to your "friends list" Just click on their name, that will take you to their Home page
There you see a prompt saying "add to friends"

If you want to start a thread, scroll down your page, until you see "add a diary entry" or click onto, "Add an Guide Entry" either one of these will get your thread started.

If you find this confusing (coz its hard to write and explain) What I did was, click onto the "Help" page, the I printed all the directions out, and used them get started!

OK I hope this helps, coz even Im confused now

Hi Corrie, Ive just checked, and its "Add Journal Entry" and "Create Guide Entry" that you click onto

If you get stuck, just let us know, and you will have your very own "Home Page" before yu know it

Corrie's confused, big time

I've asked Smudger and this is what he says:

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Oh so am I let's have another smiley - redwine I think the moral of the story is we are on a different smiley - planet what I want to know is how do you search for EXAMPLE a guide entry quickly LIKE!!!! <./>A2083844</.>!!!!! without creating a link!!! I've tried advanced search and it doesn't work!! I've just been saying to PG she's a bit smiley - sadface at the mo some of the crowd have a lot to offer here it a lasting and meaniful way! What about this business of scrawling to the end of the message is it just me?! HELP HELP.

Oh heck let's get the smiley - bubbly out!!!


Must smiley - run second half of C Street

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I've asked Smudger and this is what he says:

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