This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1


Me pond has sprung a leak!smiley - wah.Is there any advive b4 I strangle the catsmiley - sadface Or get me gun out to shoot a few heronssmiley - bubbly


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Wait there we will have to put a call out for PONDBOY or GIRL. Is that you Dr. Who?

BDG smiley - smiley


Post 3


Yep!smiley - biggrin


Post 4


That was clever BDG...smiley - smiley
How did you know that was Dr.Who?

Hallo Dr. I am very tired, can you cure that?
FBN smiley - zoomsmiley - smiley


Post 5


I won't cause trouble honest Mrs W doesn't know about this..all I have ever wanted is a laughsmiley - biggrin


Post 6


Let me think about that one over the coming days!smiley - bubbly

I know! Start with reading a good book in bed! You tend to get through one chapter then bobs your uncle! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..Only problem is the next night you need to re-read last nights chapter cos you can't remember anythingsmiley - biggrin..saves you a fortune buying new bookssmiley - tea


Post 7


Yes, you're right, Toggy.smiley - biggrin

Awoke this morning, 6 o'clock. Thought: too early to get up yet, so started reading my book. THEN I fell asleep.

Thing is, sitting here with my PC is like spending hours in the office. My back aches, my neck aches.
Couldn't you borrow Clive's glove?smiley - winkeye
Incidentally, I saw him on CB trying it on with Shellay.

FBNsmiley - zoomsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 8


Hello everyone, i feel like a naughty school girl staying up past her bedtimesmiley - biggrin. Hubby is playing a game of footy online so i have an hour or so to chat, i bet you are all chatted out though aren't yousmiley - sadface. Oh well, it's not as if anyone is going anywhere, how do you know when everyone is posting (other than going to the who's online bit which takes ages to read through)? Anyway ironing done whilst watching Heartbeat and then i forgot the new series of William and Mary had started so watched that too (i am soo sad), time for a smiley - ale i thinksmiley - cheers.


Post 9


Do you mean to tell me that these boards have no closing time!

Who is Clive? too muchsmiley - bubbly And Mrs W has just dragged herself out of the bathsmiley - run

Farewellsmiley - cheers


Post 10

moved to new address

Zero closing time - enjoy smiley - magic


Post 11

Researcher U634370

Your right smiley - earth was going to go ages ago go sidetracked by the Dark Master!!!

smiley - lovesmiley - fish

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