This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

It's har this innit?

Post 1


I am so thick, i didn't even know i had my own message centre! How do you keep up with whose on and who isn't? Hadn't had time to look through the hints and help stuff yet so i am just plodding along hoping someone will reply to this. I was gutted today, was getting ready to sit down and F1 this afternoon when we had a powercut and i missed it!!!smiley - wah I know who won but it isn't the same is it? Anyway hopefully someone out there will see this message and help me with what to do next.

It's har this innit?

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hi Hendrix Girl,

Now you know you have your own message centre should be easier you managed to post a link to <./>F1</.> it took me ages to figure that out!!! Did you already know how to do it and how did you find the thread it links too? So I guess we are all the dark!! smiley - biggrin if you add everone to your friends list this should help.

Sorry you missed the Grand Prix FBN said it was a bit boring so sounds as though you didn't miss much.

Fancy joining us for a smiley - bubbly, I'm over at Corrie's under the thread Corrie B. We'll soon get the hang of it and get ourselves organised we could start our own Guide Entry as a kind of afterhours or secret hideout what do you think? smiley - biggrin.

I've read it somewhere if indoubt turn left.

BDG smiley - smiley

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