This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1


Just a quick hello BDG. I have just registered so haven't got a clue what its all about yet.

I saw your belly dancing and it was great. Also saw your attachment to get into Pond Girls pond site.

I am so impressed. Is anybody else here ? Yours is the only name I have in my friends ?

Can everybody see the messages we type ?

Jensmiley - bubblysmiley - tea


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hi Jen

Just left you a message!!!! Saw you come in! No I don't think it's as easy to spot the messages bit more private but you can see who's on line. I'm finding my feet all the others are on "my friends" list so you can see what's been going on from there. H is here I'm just going to add her to my friends she using the name "sandsclub".

Back in a mo smiley - biggrin. Check out the message from you ACE they are helpers and it gives you a lot of information and links, tips etc.

BDG smiley - kiss

Hello All

Post 3

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya all

Just a heads up.
As far as I can tell.
The conversations and other things are never deleted, just left to drift in to the background, and are visible through yahoo and the likes, if you know what to look for.

I cannot delete things in my message centre.
But you can delete a journal entry (but only on my PS and until someone posts to it again, then it undeletes itself.
The first user is still on the system One of the earliest post I have come across is WikiWikiWeb (27 May 1999)

smiley - winkeye

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