This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1



how do you put a link to a website in your 'my space'

Ever intrigued!!

Ruthsmiley - smiley


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hiya you'll be up watching the grand priz!!! The page "spicing up your page" is very helpful. There is a link button on your update introduction page and you can cut and paste your web site into this, hope this helps. I was up until 1.30 last night! You need to be in Guide ML I'll help tomorrow if you can't get it to work.

Was just about to reply to your message about Friends reunited. I met up with my friend after 30 years and now we have spent many happy hours together. Your right the web is a wonderous thing!!!

Must go and get some smiley - zzz
BDG smiley - biggrin


Post 3

Researcher U634370

Hi Ruth

Finally figured out how to do a link in messages, smiley - applause so here is the Spicing up your Page link <./>A690518</.>. Hope it helps any queries get back to me but if you have your own web site for Scouts you will probably find it quite easy.

My son is a Sea Scout and we are quite involved as Hubby is chair of the PA. smiley - smiley

BDG smiley - kiss

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