This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1


Thank you for the message you left on my page. I didn't know how to go about answering you, so had to start from scratch.
I find it all a bit complicated and miss seeing all the other messages as we did on CB. Perhaps it will get easier.
I didn't want to change my name, but they said there already was a FBNand suggested I became "cheery", I had the confirmation on e-mail, but the next time I had ti change to"initial". Don't understand it, really.

How did you get your picture on your page? It's lovely.
And what was that about belly dancing classes?
Oh dear, I feel lost.smiley - erm
Corrie says she is known as Crazy Corrie, but when I tapped that in it didn't come up. I've got a lot to learn.

I think I'll retreat for a Colombian.smiley - teasmiley - run

See you

FBNsmiley - run


Post 2

moved to new address

At least someone was looking for me! Feel very lonely on here.

My name (unfortunately) is CrazyCorrie with no spaces. Would be lovely to hear from you.

Lots of love,
Corriesmiley - smiley


Post 3

Researcher U634370


Where's my Columbian then? smiley - tea Don't worry I'm here only just got in!!! Been for smiley - bubbly and lunch with a friend and a meeting this morning! On your page is a list of all the messages you have either started or have contributed too, and it shows you the time of the last post, so you know when someone has just posted to you. Also if you click on Who's Online on the left hand side of the page you can see who is on line so I know your there!!!!

To find Corrie go to my page scroll down and you will see she is listed as a friend just click on her personal space and you will go straight to her page. It is different to CB but it is easier I find to see who and what messages you have posted to. But harder to see what else is going on around you but then that makes it a little more private!

You also have a message on your board from an Ace who has welcomed you click on this and it gives advice and links to other pages. I'll explain the pictures later.

Must smiley - run as Lucy's back. Back in a little while. BDG XX


Post 4

moved to new address

Please give a huge smiley - hug to Lucy from me.



Post 5

Researcher U634370

Hi Corrie only just got in see below or above not sure which!!! Just explaining to FBN how to find you should make it easy now. Strange how your journal posting ended up on my page perhaps it get's sent automatically to friends!!! FBN said she saw about Belly Dancing on my page I was putting this on last night but abandoned it as I couldnt do the link!! Is my page showing this cos it isn't to me!! Oh this is fun smiley - biggrin shall we have smiley - tea and smiley - cake girls, or do we need a smiley - bubbly one good thing here there are unlimited supplies of smiley - bubbly. Hic BDG XX


Post 6

Researcher U634370

Corrie smiley - hug given and Lucy sends smiley - biggrin, we must swap photos of kids!! We crossed in the post again. smiley - biggrin BDG XX


Post 7

moved to new address


We do seem to cross in the post sometimes. Have just had a very hot bath and feel a bit better. Will send you some photos of my two little smiley - angel when I get time. Can't wait to get home tonight and have a glass or 6 of smiley - redwine

smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kissLove from Corrie smiley - earth

(Nice idea of putting smiley - earth next to my name yesterday - do you remember me from my JVMB postings in March???)smiley - winkeye


Post 8

Researcher U634370


I think it was the email with the smiley - earth in and because you are an smiley - earth person.

See you later for smiley - redwine.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 9

moved to new address

Greetings dear BDG,

Back home. Where's this smiley - redwine then?

smiley - biggrin


Post 10

Researcher U634370

Coming right up smiley - redwine I'm having one smiley - redwine although mine's white!!!! Who's this stranger you've been talking to then? That was smiley - brave. Must go and have a nose.

smiley - cheers

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 11

moved to new address

It was most smiley - brave of me wasn't it? The person I went up to with no regard for decorum was called 'Electric Shepherd'. I love the name so told her/him so.

Still haven't cooked dinner for me and Matt. Just popped over to the CB and left a message for Alan and you guys. It's fairly quiet in there isn't it? Nice to see Pond Girl and you and Fly.

Lots of smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss
Corrie smiley - earth


Post 12

Researcher U634370

It was nice to see Alan, I think he's doing real well, hope he can join us here perhaps.

Have a smiley - magic day tomorrow with your daughter.

Love B


Post 13

moved to new address

You guys, too.

smiley - kiss

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