This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370


Post 1


Hallo BDG

Keep finding you and losing you.

I've become: initial FLYBYNIGHT.
don@t know what to do next.LOL


iFBNsmiley - blush


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hello smiley - smiley you changed names quick!!! Why?

Go to my page by clicking on my name in "blue" and you will see add to Friends then from your space you can just click on Friends, Corrie has added me to her list of friends. If you leave a message on the original thread I will still get it because it appears on "ones" message centre list. Hope this does not confuse further if in doubt go to your "My Space".

I think I need several smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly Corrie has just sent me a journal entry God knows how she did that I'm off to ask her. Best not to generate a new message thread everytime or we will get confused.....

Oh this is fun smiley - biggrin shall we devour loads of smiley - choc aswell!!!

Back in a minute


Post 3

Researcher U634370

Oh and the good news is their does not appear to be a curfew, we can stay up all night partying although I'm feeling exhausted. LOL

BDG smiley - hug

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