This is the Message Centre for Electric Dreams

ES's Message Centre.

Post 21

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Thank you for the 'Attitude' reflection. It made me think long and hard. This isn't the place for me to say what it made me think about, but feel I was meant to read it. May I post it to 'Thought Provoking'?

Thank you smiley - rose

Corrie smiley - smiley

ES's Message Centre.

Post 22

Electric Dreams

Yep {8¬) feel free...!mustard seed.

ES smiley - sheep

ES's Message Centre.

Post 23

moved to new address

Thank you smiley - rose

How's the babysitting going? Tell Patty I'm still in my nightie at 14:11pm. Have been updating two sites. One is for Forest School and the other is for my local church. I used to help out the vicar(s) until last August when it was time to off load some of the extra bits, but I still look after the web site for them. Every six months or so, I'll sit in my nightie on a Saturday afternoon and delete services that are five months out of date.

Have to go into work so I'd better have a shower and find something to wear that doesn't need ironing!

smiley - kiss

ES's Message Centre.

Post 24


Hi sweet smiley - love.

Do you want a smiley - tea.

smiley - love Patty smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

ES's Message Centre.

Post 25

moved to new address

What are ewe up to tonight?

I've been trying to think about collumns on my PS rather than blocks, and even having vertical scrolling banners but am too thick (noo) to know how to do that and also think it's not that important.

(Not on TW but Dad created a portable jet wash.)

ES's Message Centre.

Post 26

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OK said I was going to sleep and was just too tempted, and sneaked back!

Ewe are so clever. I don't like it much when people call me clever 'cos there's more about me than just 'being clever'. But, I say something in passing, just a thought, and you make it happen.

Thank you! smiley - rose Thank you, thank you!

smiley - love Correne

ES's Message Centre.

Post 27


Morning sweet smiley - love.

Have gone to M's.

C U later.

smiley - love Patty smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - cuddle

ES's Message Centre.

Post 28

Electric Dreams

Morning smiley - love
Dont do to much, see you soon

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

ES's Message Centre.

Post 29

Electric Dreams

O BTW smiley - love
Maplins called, the transistor for the TV is in now.
If you can call in on your way home. I’ll fit it tonight.

smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

ES's Message Centre.

Post 30

moved to new address

Just sent you a reply to your massage - would you prefer I reply in future to your massage centre? smiley - doh

ES's Message Centre.

Post 31

Electric Dreams

Hello ES

Thank you for asking - yes, I'm well and happy. It's glorious out there! Didn't stay at work long, was too gorgeous and wanted to come home.

Have you read Essjay's Transylvanian mountain adventure? Just read part three and it moved me. It was like reading the works of my favourite authors who can say what I think and feel but can't say. She has a rare gift.

How's your day? I like what you're building, and knowing you I guess you spelt Angel like that on perpus.

Next thing we need, apart from a replacement for the Sheperd's Kitchen, which must be prioritized, is fancy boxes at the top of our message boxes. You know when you leave a message or reply to some of these clever people and they have cute bits on top. The Dr someone or other from Grangemouth has snowballs, Pheloxi has green stuff.

I feel like a but haven't got any. Feel like a quick excursion to Tescos coming on. Might be going back to see 'The Passion' tonight. My friend, Chris, hasn't been, his wife isn't ready for it, so I might go with Chris. I'll go and get the wine anyway, can always have a glass (will need one) when I get home.

ES's Message Centre.

Post 32

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After I posted my last massage to you I regretted it because I thought to myself that I would like to send you something for a change. I knew that if I worked hard enough at it I would maybe be able to work it out.

This evening's pencilled-in plans went out the window as a mate arrived with three kids in tow. We have all had a great time although they haven't been gone long so I think there will be five tired children in the morning! Mine are staying awake for longer most nights now though. Last night they had been fed, bathed, hair washed and upstairs by 7pm. They were still awake at 9pm.

Am shattered but know I can't go to bed until I have played with your latest present. You are too kind to me.

My husband is sat next to me on his computer making an amazing animated gif of the sun. In fact, as I write it's finished and it's amazing! He's saying he has to adjust the size but it's beautiful.

Going to play now.

Have I posted correctly this time? Think so.

Thank you, my friend.

ES's Message Centre.

Post 33

moved to new address

wah-hey - have a look, pleeeeeeeeeeese - post, or even don't just pretend to, from my PS - you luverley person!

Next time I think of somat that would be cool on our pages I'll work it out and send to ewe. Oh, I know you can do it a zillion times quicker than I can and I know that you're mega intelligent, but I want to give ewe something!

smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - rosesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cheerssmiley - coolsmiley - smiley


Post 34

moved to new address

For ewe, if you want it.

<SMILEY TYPE="blacksheep"/>
Thankyou for posting to Electric Sheperd<SMILEY TYPE="sheep"/>


Post 35

moved to new address

Thank you. I tell you what you could invent and beleive me it would sell and make you zillions. A alcohol sensor on a PC - if it detects the person in front of the monitor has been at the booze the PC then prevents said person posting to a message board and making a prat of herself/himself.

Just been sending an e-mail to a lovely new friendsmiley - smiley and thought I'd say hi to you and some of the others that are hiding in the Captain's Log Cabin - no alcohol though - maybe one more smiley - tea then bed!

Good night, dear ES

smiley - hugsmiley - smiley


Post 36


Hi sweet smiley - love


Would you like a smiley - tea

smiley - cuddle for you too

VK smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 37

moved to new address

hiya smiley - sheep my friend

and thank you smiley - rose

am playing with my page
know what I want to do and pulling hair out!smiley - crosssmiley - doh

smiley - hug


Post 38

moved to new address

It's kolumz

Am playing with a variation of what you sent me the other night - give me 10 minutes and I'll either be smiley - biggrin or coming to ewe smiley - cry

Wanted text next to a box and it goes below so think make a column width of page with a white border and two (or more) columns without colour. That way I can have a box with text beside it. Maybe not?

Make it 15 cos I need smiley - tea


Post 39

moved to new address

Me again

Think I've managed, although ended up putting other boxes in instead of text but I know what I'm going to do.

Sure I saw that you had found a forum for kids. Daughter wants to play on here, too. Obviously I would be with her at all times. Good idea or not? Value your opinion!!!!!

Thank ewesmiley - smiley


Post 40

moved to new address

sorry? what for?

Thanks for the compliment!
smiley - lovesmiley - earth

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