This is the Message Centre for Old writing team

Who are these guys?

Post 1


We want names, faces and a list the the non-prescribed drugs they are on!

Sree krishna resturant

Post 2

Alex Egg

Who goes to/knows this resturant?

Who are these guys?

Post 3

RichardG R#26400

It 'ain't easy being a space cop!

Who are these guys?

Post 4

Stoo (researcher 35684)

Oh no... it's the pigs!

(looking worried and rather NEIL like!)

Who are these guys?

Post 5


Yummy, time to cook some bacon.
I'd hazard a guess and say they were employees of tdv.
Carefully selected for their 'wacky and zany' writing abilities.

Who are these guys?

Post 6

Zach Garland

Anyone can have wacky and zany writing abilities if you pay them enough. I can have wacky and zany
writing abilities if you pay me enough. A dead rat can wax eloquent about Claude Rains if you give him
a nice bit of cheese... and some electroshock therapy. A thousand monkeys can pound on a typewriter
and bang out Hamlet in only a few millenia time. I've seen it happen! So, where's the nasal spray?

Who are these guys?

Post 7


I think the most important questions here are how did they get these jobs, and does it carry a pension?

Who are these guys?

Post 8

Zach Garland

My resume is available upon request.

Who are these guys?

Post 9

Stoo (researcher 35684)

Drugs drugs drugs...yummy

Who are these guys?

Post 10

Zach Garland

all i want is some vodka.

Who are these guys?

Post 11

Stoo (researcher 35684)

Hey following me? :c) Enjoy the good ya all!

Who are these guys?

Post 12

Stoo (researcher 35684)

way cool...drugs, vodka, and some ass kicking beats!!!

I'm in heaven!

Who are these guys?

Post 13

Zach Garland

Where's my vodka?

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