This is the Message Centre for The Painter

glad to see you

Post 1


you know that.

glad to see you

Post 2

The Painter

Hey, doll!smiley - winkeye

I missed you! But according to some nuts I choked on you and I and some others have been rubbing shoulders all over the place 24 hours a day!

It's cool, the men in white coats are carting them off hopefully!

Hope you are very well - I guess you must be - where DID the time go?



glad to see you

Post 3


Hey, hey, Only shoulders? What will my new persona have to say about that!!!

smiley - jester

btw, interesting portfolio page.

glad to see you

Post 4

The Painter

In future I will be calling you 'Madam'...I feel a song coming on!smiley - winkeye

glad to see you

Post 5


Oh, you are used to being obsequious, are you? Your wife has trained you well. Please convey my utmost congratulations to her.

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