This is the Message Centre for The Painter

Dazed and Confused - no change there.

Post 1



apparently, you're medusas other half. I've been posting to med on poison pen thread and possibly her portfolio, but not sure as im computer-illiterate.

If you are in contact with medusa, please could you tell her that i'l miss her comments and feedback, and not to let the little termites get her down.

Or just to carry on as before!

Hope this isnt too much trouble but medusa was nice to me and vice versa.

Yours confusedly,
byron smiley - winkeye

The Challenge

Post 2

The Painter

Hello Byron

I appreciate your situation.

She is sorry to leave but I suggested that she do so due to a certain kind of attention she was receiving.

She sends her best wishes and says that the challenge should continue as normal. Which I agree is the best thing.

She will also keep an eye on things, and hopes you will develop your talent in the best way you can.

Best wishes Byron.

Keithsmiley - smiley

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Dazed and Confused - no change there.

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