This is the Message Centre for susan1961
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Started conversation Dec 7, 2006
Looking down my PS, I see you've tagged me as a friend. I'd certainly be pleased to do the same, if you don't mind.
And looking over your PS, I see we have atleast a few friends in common. JimCracker and Shakira, for instance. (She sends the cutest jokey e-mails at times )
SO there's a start. How's stuff in Manitoba these days? I spent last week in the Edmonton area, and was it cold !!!
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Dec 22, 2006
Hi Rev.Nick,
It is cool but not very cold here the past week or so in Winnipeg. I have been here almost 21 years now. I enjoy it here.I am originally from Banff Alberta. How are things where you are?
I would like to take this oppotunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and A most Happy New Year.
I would enjoy it if you also add me to your friends list. Yes Jimcracker is a nice friend of mine. I do not know Shakira at all. Perhaps i should chat with her a bit more.
Take care and i do look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerly Susan
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Dec 22, 2006
I can't say that I "know" Shakira either. I've chatted her here and by mails. But very sporadically. So it's a comfy relationship, but not really "knowing", if you kinda know what I mean.
So, 21 years, eh? I left Manitoba in April of 1985, perhaps we passed each other in the Winnipeg airport? Were you distinctive in attire or appearance?
Just as a BTW, a buddy of mine has a very artistic step-mom. She looks at a photo of where she has been, and with her one real eye, (she lost the other to a stupid incident in England around 1930) paints it in oil. We have an Athabaskan Falls and a Lake Louise oil paint (each), about 8" x "10" in our master bedroom. So serene to awaken to.
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Dec 24, 2006
I arrived in Winnipeg on February 12th of 1986.
I enjoy it here.
Maybe if you look close enough you will see me skiing in Lake Louise in the painting. haha
I was born in Banff and raised in Canmore Alberta. I worked in both Banff and Canmore and also Lake Louise at one point.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Very Happy and Joyous New year!
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Dec 24, 2006
So do you know "Mike, from Canmore"? A regular, goofy character from the Royal Canadian Air Farce.
I left the Gypsumville area in April '85, off to North Bay, Ontario. So I missed ya by a good measure. Ah well ...
My wife, often referred to as "milady" here, has church service this morning, and again much later tonight. We'll be ought to visit a household of friends this afternoon, and another small troupe will visit us tomorrow afternoon. (To great aromas from a roasting bird ) Aside from a full day of making soups, stews and lasagne's, to re-fill our deep freeze, yesterday ... It will be a quiet time.
And sadly, without a hint of snow.
Anyway, to you and yours, a happy, safe and festive family time to you and yours, good Lady.
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Dec 24, 2006
The only Mike from Canmore that i know is Mike Slivka who i went to school with. Oh yes i also know Mike Mc Taggart from Canmore.
I am spending Christmas this year with a few friends. Last Christmas i went to Alberta but not this year.
All of my family is in Alberta. I am hoping to go there in the spring of 2007 or summer.
Merry Christmas once again. Busy time of year for sure.
See you next year!
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Dec 24, 2006
Our travels are always very limited. When at all possible, off to Newfoundland where my daughter, her hubby, and 3.9 graqndchildren are. Sometimes, off to New Brunswick where my in-laws all reside. My own family are scattered, but the parents are still in Formosa, Ontario. About 4 hours drive away from our home.
But in September, we'll see some new places ... Southern England, some of Wales, Some of Ireland, and perhaps a bit of Scotland !!! Our gift to ourselves for our 20th anniversary.
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Mar 27, 2007
Hi there Rev Nick,
How are you doing these days? I am doing well. Just been away from h2g2 for awhile but as you can see"I'm back"
Hope to hear from you.
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Mar 27, 2007
Yes, I did see your return. Life got busy on ya, I suppose?
At work, a new shop is being constructed for myself and a military lad. And as one would expect with a government contract, everything that might go wrong ... etc. So while trying to stay on top of that, we are also gearing up for a year of travels around the country. Installing or servicing radio equipment. There's even been talk of a week or less in Winnipeg.
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Mar 27, 2007
Hi Rev Nick,
Naw my life was busy but not too busy. I just was not on here for a long time, but i sure am now.
Gee whiz you might even be in Winnipeg during your travels? That is great. The weather here is wonderful right now. Beautiful spring weather. I am off and running right now to do some emailing but will certainly be on tomorrow.Have a safe trip and enjoy your travels Rev Nick..
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Mar 28, 2007
BTW, it's just "Nick", please?
The option of a brief trip to Winnipeg has been on the books for nearly a year. So one day, it will happen. I've not seen the city since 1985 ...
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Mar 29, 2007
ok Nick,
I moved here to Winnipeg in 1986 and i enjoy living here. Guess what? you will never believe this! It is snowing right
Winterpeg Manisnowba...
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Mar 29, 2007
We've had mostly sunny days all week, but again, Sunday might provide some wet flurries again. This really IS the most fickle time of the year.
Hiya, Western Lady
susan1961 Posted Mar 30, 2007
I was just teasing when i said you would never believe that it was snowing is Winnipeg so anything can happen in March and April
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Mar 30, 2007
And I wasn't teasing ... I've found that you can't count on spring until atleast mid-April. Which is okay, I still have some spring cleaning to do before we start to rake the lawns and stuff.
Hiya, Western Lady
Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } Posted Apr 1, 2007
We have a 3-bedroom bungalow, with a fairly full basement. And 20'ish years of sharing a home, accumulating "stuff". Somehow we missed spring last year, we are in a serious need. But it's pretty much been met.
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Hiya, Western Lady
- 1: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Dec 7, 2006)
- 2: susan1961 (Dec 22, 2006)
- 3: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Dec 22, 2006)
- 4: susan1961 (Dec 24, 2006)
- 5: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Dec 24, 2006)
- 6: susan1961 (Dec 24, 2006)
- 7: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Dec 24, 2006)
- 8: susan1961 (Mar 27, 2007)
- 9: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Mar 27, 2007)
- 10: susan1961 (Mar 27, 2007)
- 11: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Mar 28, 2007)
- 12: susan1961 (Mar 29, 2007)
- 13: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Mar 29, 2007)
- 14: susan1961 (Mar 30, 2007)
- 15: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Mar 30, 2007)
- 16: susan1961 (Apr 1, 2007)
- 17: Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear } (Apr 1, 2007)
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