This is the Message Centre for baggieboy

How do?

Post 1

badger party tony party green party

Are you new here or is this just a new account?

Welcome to h2g2 if you are new. This is a friendly site and we are in the habit of popping into each others user space for no ggod reason. Havng said that I spotted your username and wonder if you were actually bagie in a descriptive way or a west brom fan?

Either way, hi.

An ace should be along shortly to explain how things work.

smiley - rainbow

How do?

Post 2

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"


I, personally, would like to know how we're able to post here when Baggie hasn't written anything on His Space. Nobody could post on My Space when I hadn't written anything.

smiley - boing

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