This is the Message Centre for silverdavids

Hello sillverdavids :-)

Post 1


Hi silverdavids

I just thought that i would just pop in for a qick chat if that is ok by you.
I hope that you don't mind me dropping by.

smiley - love Terri xx smiley - panda

Hello sillverdavids :-)

Post 2


Hi Terri, oh I'm very pleased to receive your mail as I like to make new friends.smiley - hug
So h oware you doing?smiley - smiley

Hello sillverdavids :-)

Post 3


Hi Terri, oh I'm very pleased to receive your mail as I like to make new friends.smiley - hug
So how are you doing?smiley - smiley

Hello sillverdavids :-)

Post 4


Hi silverdavid

Well that's why i messessaged you really, for i want friends on here too smiley - biggrin
Oh i wish that smiley - hug was for real, for i am ever so tired after the shift i have done.
No really all i need is a jolly good massage, and to have a good lazy day which is is impossible.
So what do you do with yourself, do you work and what do you do in your spare time??

smiley - love Terri xx smiley - panda

Hello sillverdavids :-)

Post 5


Hi Terri!smiley - smiley

I'm back,hope you're are doing well.I'm doing the day shift this week, from 07:30 to 17:30. I work in an Internaional Call Centre and my job consist of telemarketing and data entry informations on pcs.

Oh me too when I'm back home I would like a good massage after taking my bathsmiley - biggrin.

For my spare time I like to play billard and go to the cinema. Lastly I have watch American Wedding, very cool!!! And you what do you do in life?

Hello sillverdavids :-)

Post 6


Hello David smiley - smiley

So how long have you been doing the job for if you don't mind me asking?
I have hardly any spare time to myself, but if i do i like to read or even watch a crime film.
Oh i have other kind of hobbies and that is locking up people when they come into the police station for a night or 2 smiley - smiley
How are you doing anyway?

smiley - love Terri xx smiley - panda

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