This is the Message Centre for expatmw

Now, I'm no expert...

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

...but I've been given your Entry on 'Managing Common Breastfeeding Problems' to sub-edit. The result is at A17089419 - would you like to have a read through and make sure it looks ok to you before I give it back to the Editors?

Post back here and let me know if it is ok from your point of view, and I'll send it back smiley - ok

Now, I'm no expert...

Post 2


I am so sorry but I have just seen your post. I have had very little time recently and have not been lookin on this site.
Thank you for your edit of my contribution. The links work well but I would just have a comment that some of the expressing and colic comments are a bit out of date.
Maybe those authors, if still around, would like to bring the info up to date with recent research?

Now, I'm no expert...

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

I'm sorry, but as you didn't post back, I returned it to the Editors on Friday. After it becomes 'official' and goes onto the Front Page (you'll get an email when this happens), you can suggest any changes at <./>Feedback-Editorial</.> smiley - ok

Now, I'm no expert...

Post 4


Thanks, I saw it on the front page today - I am really proud that it should reach those heady levels. Espacially as I have had so little time recently to contribute much to this site.
Thank you for all your hard work.

Now, I'm no expert...

Post 5

Skankyrich [?]

It will be there all weekend, too smiley - smiley

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