This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
Virus I Started conversation Nov 9, 2000
Don't know if this is the right place to ask but...
If I change my alias does it mean losing all current links and info on my P. Space? Or is the system clever enough to just update the name?
Thanks ever so - this is the only site for which I specifically set aside time, not having much of it - thanks for the fun
Bruce Posted Nov 10, 2000
If you change your name on your existing account (via the preferences button) you keep all your old info - but with a new name - pretty cool...
Jim Lynn Posted Nov 10, 2000
And your new alias will magically appear against old postings you have made (although not immediately, because we cache conversations that haven't been updated, so your name change doesn't take effect until the cache expires (usually after about 12 hours).
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