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Search Engine Problem

Post 1

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))


Are you aware that the search engine hasn't been updating for about 6 days now? I reported this somewhere else as well (can't remember where, right now smiley - smiley), but I wanted to make sure the word got to the right place.

This seems to be true for both entry and forum searches.

- Redbeard

Search Engine Problem

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I think it might all be working again now. Certainly, the frontpage articles are now appearing in the index again.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Search Engine Problem

Post 3

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Interesting. Yes, the new edited articles are showing up fine, yet there are still a number of new regular guide entries that I'm aware of that have been created in the past week that still do not register in the search.

Also, forum searches still seem not to have been updated. I tried searching on common forum words like 'fish', 'h2g2', 'post' etc., and the first result is always now one week ago. (I believe that forum searches are returned in reverse chrono order?)

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