This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
Burning the Midnight Oil Again :-)
vegiman:-) Started conversation Jun 17, 2000
Hi Jim - I see you are have a late night of it again.
Just one point which I brought up on ripley - When you click on the discuss button - it takes you to the latest updated forum. Is this to be the norm now and click on new discussion in the left box ? or is this a mini bug?
Plus I openned a forum from the left box using the right Mouse button to open a new page, and read the contents - I then clicked on newer posts and it would not go forward. I had to get the next batch by entering manually skip20 before I could read the remainder of the thread.
Although I prefer the GOO - I think you have done a great job on the new skin and if it were not on a white background (Causes eye strain - one of my weaknesses) I would use it. I designed my user page to give me the best of both worlds
Well done to you and your team
Burning the Midnight Oil Again :-)
Jim Lynn Posted Jun 19, 2000
We noticed the 'Discuss' problem, and we're fixing it in the next release. We'd fixed it for guide entries, but hadn't made the same change for user pages.
Trying to open a forum from the left hand box using 'Open in new window' will not work properly. You're breaking it out of its frameset. When you click 'Go to newer' it *will* do it, but it it opens the newer posts in your *previous* window because the target for those links is a named frame. By opening in a new window, you've moved out of that named frame, so the links will refer back to the original window.
If you want to look at a forum in a new window, Ctrl-N (in IE at least) will open a new window containing the current contents, from which you can click a link.
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Burning the Midnight Oil Again :-)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."