This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Doubtless you're tired of hearing about things like this, but...

Post 1


My home page doesn't work, due to--*ahem*--some faulty coding stuff. Um, again. And the old useredit.cgi URL doesn't work anymore, otherwise I would've done it myself. Could you find it in your heart to fix it, since I'm rarely around and I'd like the chance to say "Hi" to everyone? Please please please?

Oh, and "Hi". smiley - smiley

Doubtless you're tired of hearing about things like this, but...

Post 2


Hi Spartus,

You can edit your page by clicking here

The problem that the site is complaining about on your page is this - the user number is only partially quotedsmiley - smiley

There's some more info on other things that might upset your page here

hope it helps

Doubtless you're tired of hearing about things like this, but...

Post 3

Jim Lynn


I've fixed the most pressing problems (the ones which were preventing the page being displayed at all) but as you'll already have seen, there's some weird stuff going on in your page, in the Alabaster skin at least. I'll leave you to sort out the rest of the problems yourself.

I find that taking a copy of the original text, then hacking out things until I find what's breaking it usually works. Then you can put stuff back bit by bit.

Have fun. smiley - smiley

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Doubtless you're tired of hearing about things like this, but...

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