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I have just one thig to say to you *Parsnips*
vegiman:-) Started conversation Dec 19, 2003
HiYa Jim - I have been away from h2g2 for a while now - just popping in on few friends from time to time.
One of my first posts was to your article on Parsnips. Long time ago now. I think they are most likely growing whiskers by now.
Still patching up that database with blue tack ????
I see the Kids are growing up beautifully - I remember when they were just a twinkle in your eye. Sorry to read about your son - - A cruel trick life sometimes plays on us.
All the best to yourself and family this Christmas and may 2004 see happier days.
I have just one thig to say to you *Parsnips*
Jim Lynn Posted Dec 19, 2003
It's nice to see the old faces pop back now and again. I hope you have a great Christmas, vegiman.
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I have just one thig to say to you *Parsnips*
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