This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

h2g2 On The Move

Post 1

Researcher 208776

Having looked on the site for details regarding On The Move, so far as I understand it this service was removed because the BBC was not legally allowed to provide a WAP service.

However, having now recieved a WAP enabled phone for my birthday, I have visited the BBCi WAP page, complete with BBC News, BBC Sport, Weather, What's On TV, What's On Radio and GCSE Bitesize.

As the BBC is obviously now allowed to provide a WAP service, will we be seeing the resurrection of On The Move any time soon?

Please say yes... smiley - grovel

John Coxon

h2g2 On The Move

Post 2


Recent postings with ol' Croz have been tempting me to start up a mobile HooTooer's User Group... however it's done to get H2G2 into your pocket (WAP, Smartphone, PDA/Mobile...)

Various experiments have been tried with some success in the past - I thought it would be nice to have a place where like-minded individuals could chat/swap advice on making DNA's dream (a mobile, pocket based electronic supositry of smiley - erm 'knowledge').

First question - do we allow laptops? smiley - laughsmiley - blush

I'll have a look for the BBCi WAP pages - didn't know they were playing again, smiley - cheers

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