This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

help please

Post 1

Researcher 220282

Hi Jim smiley - smiley

hope you and the family are well smiley - biggrin

one of the ACEs asked in the ACE forum on h2g2 about this introduction
<./>U207765</.> I think its should be yikesed on content but your advice would be helpful

smiley - cheers and thanks for getting the digibox sign in working smiley - smiley

Jonathansmiley - zoom

help please

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I don't normally advise on editorial matters. If you want my opinion, the comment in question is not a problem, but it might be wiser to yikes it so that someone who has been dealing with this kind of thing all along can check it.

I'd glad sign-in is working. That was all the work of the SSO team - I can only ask them to look at the problem, I can't fix it myself, but it's good that they found the problem. Do things like 'Retrieve my details' work as well? Or is it just the sign-in page?

help please

Post 3

Researcher 220282

it appears all SSO pages are now working with digiboxs smiley - biggrin

but .... and you knew there would be a but smiley - laugh theres a few personal spaces DBs cant get to but I think, and we have a thread about this, its because of the amount of graphics and text on the spaces the digibox memory just cant handle them smiley - sadface

the other thing that didnt help us digibox users was the fact that Telewest were updating ( and I use the word 'Updating' lightly) there interactive system and TV service at the same time as SSO started... Double Whammie smiley - groan

now we cant access draft mail folders on TV email smiley - grr but hootoo seems fine to me now thanks again shall we say for rattling some *chains*

Jonathan smiley - zoom

help please

Post 4

Jim Lynn

There's not a lot we can do about PSs with too many pictures, unless we completely disable pictures in a skin, which wouldn't be popular with people, I suspect.

help please

Post 5

Researcher 220282

didnt think there would be its just a digibox memory or lack of problem smiley - sadface. I should have a pc soon and have access to a mac notebook at the moment smiley - smiley

help please

Post 6

Bald Bloke

Just a thought

Is it possible to generate a no / low graphics option in for instance the plain skin?

I raise that because the BBC news site has it as an option and it might be useful for access via handhelds / phones as well as digiboxes.

help please

Post 7

Jim Lynn

It's possible, but as with all things it needs some time dedicated to it. I've been wanting a skin suitable for PDAs for a long time, but we've never had any opportunity to spend the time developing it.

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