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there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 1


Jim Lynn I know you are busy. But also you must have somehow somewhere be able to fix a problem:
I am Researcher 211101 since December 2002. With the Single Sign on process my ID was altered, I am greeted as a NEWBIE, I am locked out of MY SPace of 211101,---- I want my Original membership, My Space back!
Membership people just made mistakes, which I can NOT fix.
Thank you for the help from somebody, somewhere, somehow!!! I am aka Gecko not identical with Gecko-the-lizard. I am human. Researcher 211101 at h2g2 since December 2002.

there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 2


Hello again, Gecko. Have you tried emailing the right addresses for help yet? The normal email address when unable to login is at but there is one specifically for SSO problems: membership at (use @ for at).

there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 3


Dear SEF: I know you from previous conversations, also that Jim Lynn gives you the "problem" to deal with also from previous time.
It is OK with me.

Unfortunately the Membership Team did something very wrong: after several E-mail exchange with me BEFORE this happened: They assured me I will get everything going as before.---
they got me to a process in which I had to log out, though I had my original log in password---and member name--- they still mishandeled the data and gave me a new ID if I was a NEWBIE. ignoring my history and ID number from December 2002 as Researcher 211101.

Since than no matter how and where I complain-- they ignore this problem, believing that they did a good job.

I must refuse to function under a false ID.!!!
This ackward situation does not serve the good prestige I believe in at BBC.
I will try again to contact them, with message from Jim Lynn---
but the only solution I see if I would log out again, but finding the way to 211101 ID number would be a technical SOLUTION FROM THOSE PEOPLE WHO DO THIS MIX UP.

In Microsoft problems one can UNINSTALL a program, and INSTALL an other one,-- but your technical ability and system is unkown to me.
However I believe it could be done--- if there is a will, there is the solution.
It seems to me: I am not the only one who was pushed out of the track. Researcher 211101 aka Gecko.

there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 4


Gecko, it is not that Jim Lynn gives "problems" or "people" to other people but that a lot of us know that sometimes the questions to him can be answered by others without him having to stop working on the software coding (which he prefers to do).

I have migrated a number of accounts now without any problems as have other people. So the tendency is to suspect that the person who has not managed it has done something wrong. However, the instructions for migration were originally not very reassuring or helpful (while testing of the system was going on) and it is possible that the current ones are still being misunderstood by many. There may even be a genuine bug in the system somewhere but it is much more likely to be a mixup with the instructions or with uppercase/lowercase letters in IDs etc. Perhaps you could post the instructions you were given by the membership team (without any password details etc).

Are you logging into this new account of yours with the same ID (ignoring case of characters) as you used to use for your old account? If not, you can try to migrate the original again. If you are, then I believe you are stuck as it will have wiped out access to your old login. I don't know whether even a separate computer with the "remember me" cookie would help. I'm fairly certain Jim Lynn would still have the ability to sort it out (he managed to fix my ID when the migration to h2g2 from message boards went wrong because of more dodgy instructions) but he might have difficulty getting permission.

there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 5


Dear Friends: Jim Lynn ,SEF,-- WHO ever there.
My guessing is for the mix up #1. in passwordS. As it is requested different passwords, and I don't know what was the " temporary" password?

#2. The process is not clear for easy understanding and follow.

I printed 10 pages as the E-mailing went between Membership Team and myself. It was not hard for me to find BEFORE, that the instructions will not work. And it did not.
Because I am not into computer WIZZING,smiley - tongueout I just found a way to bring up my OLD ID typing over in URL!! he-he-he--- this is really a Gecko trick,smiley - magic??? but believe me: I am just sick and tired to dwell on this subject anymore.
I don't have a valid, informative Personal Page, so what?
Those nice and fancy GML pages, or any other pages very soon are absolite, because we change, our activities change, everything in constant change so what am I saying who am I???
Sooner or later you'll find out from conversations (which is my main activity now) as I find such people, who can make me interested, laugh and think and share and enjoy.
For a while I am resting my case with Membership's "screw up",---
I don't have time anyway to work on GML Page. By the time is ready--- will be boring, out of style,--out of context etc. delete and start anew one!

Yeah, some resercher admit, that their Pages are outdated.
Though my lesson is: I write good stuff on my Word Pad only, not taking chances on these pages for disappearing--- and when the "ripe" time comethsmiley - cool I will COPY PASTE.
Until than: --I chat with my friends and they reply to researcher 211101. smiley - love Gecko smiley - smiley(human)
N.B. Gecko-the-lizard smiley - sadface ( creation of SSO)smiley - wahsmiley - sadface is not identical with Gecko ( human!) = h2g2 211101.smiley - lovesmiley - biggrin

And thank you for your reply!smiley - smooch

there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 6


Yes: there is somebody to fix a problem: JIMSTER by his name at h2g2.
So it is: who seeks--- will find!!!Thanks to All, Happy Gacko smiley - biggrin

there must be somebody to fix a problem

Post 7


You don't look like U211101 yet to me. smiley - erm

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