This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Woah! Kewl!

Post 1


Is that effects of your coding that I just saw? The "Last Posting dd Month yyyy hh:mm GMT" thing? smiley - winkeye

Woah! Kewl!

Post 2

Jim Lynn

Yeah - it's actually a bodge we've had to use because we've turned on a caching mechanism. We cache articles as flat html pages, but that means that we can't display the dates as '7 minutes ago' etc. because that soon becomes out of date. So when we cache articles, we have to put absolute dates and times. It's not as nice - it makes it more difficult to gauge how recent a post is - but it's the price we pay for performance.

Woah! Kewl!

Post 3


Just had another peek at your homespace and was wondering when that was updated? Charlotte would be getting close to two now, wouldn't she? (Forgive an old mouse for her failng memory. smiley - winkeye) I like to poke in now and again, comparing notes. smiley - smiley Jasmine will be three in March, and she's at that stage where she knows she can communicate with family (well, me anyway smiley - winkeye) quite well without actually enunciating her words. She -can- say them, but sometimes it takes a bit of coaching (and bribing smiley - winkeye) to actually get her -to- say them.

'Nonniesmiley - rose

Woah! Kewl!

Post 4

Jim Lynn

Charlotte is *counts on fingers* almost 16 months old now, and Bernadette is about 21 weeks pregnant with our next.

Charlotte is growing up fast. She's talking all the time, but very little of it makes sense, but she's obviously trying out all the sounds she can make, and she is now starting to repeat things to us, instead of just going quiet whenever we tried before. I think that's a sign of her becoming more confident speaking.

Woah! Kewl!

Post 5


It won't be long before she'll be a chatterbox you'll wonder how to get quiet for 10 seconds. smiley - smiley

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