This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
Fank oo fank oo Thank You. ;-)
Anonymouse Started conversation Dec 13, 1999
From Peta's description of your accident and injuries, I'd guess you're probably -not- supposed to be doing all the great things you do around here for a while longer yet, and still you got the ACE badges on the page. *peers at you with the 'You mind that doctor, now' look*
Thank you!
Fank oo fank oo Thank You. ;-)
msmonsy Posted Dec 14, 1999
i must second that the badges are great! though i am sure that your doctor is not aware of your busy little fingers and would not be happy at all with it
. take care of yourself and keep up the good work
Fank oo fank oo Thank You. ;-)
Jim Lynn Posted Jan 25, 2001
I was a very good boy, and recovered much quicker than I expected to.
Frightening to think that it was over a year ago.
Fank oo fank oo Thank You. ;-)
Anonymouse Posted Jan 25, 2001
*smiles* And trust me, we're quite glad to have you back (all year, too )... Though I am a bit saddened to learn (yeah.. I must have been -really- out of the loop for a while) that Yoz is no longer with us.. Though hopefully he'll be popping in a bit more often to say hello this year.
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Fank oo fank oo Thank You. ;-)
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