This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid Posted Nov 11, 2003
Yes I have a lot of trouble with this "ology" stuff...
I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
SEF Posted Nov 23, 2003
Depending on whether or not I've lost a weekend somewhere, it is either over a week or over 2 weeks at least that the <./>search</.> engine has been broken - ie not adding words from conversations to be found later.
I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
SEF Posted Nov 29, 2003
I think another person has noticed the problem with trying to select text from plain skin pages. It has been reported before on site but, having just checked myself, obviously not fixed.
I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
SEF Posted Dec 6, 2003
Could there be a difference/bug in the way very old IDs are handled (or not!) by SSO: F126078?thread=351715 ?
I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
SEF Posted Jan 4, 2004
Jim, do you know (and are you allowed to say) how many people (accounts really I suppose) made it through SSO?
I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
Jim Lynn Posted Jan 4, 2004
I don't know, and I probably wouldn't be allowed to say if I did. I do know, however, that compared to the old registration system, SSO is much more successful in terms of people completing registration once they've started.
And it's not necessarily meaningful to ask how many accounts were converted, since we've always had a certain amount of 'churn' - there were a very large number of accounts that were never reactivated from before we joined the BBC, most of which were probably just people who never came back.
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I demand that this thread may or may not be about something
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