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Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Started conversation Dec 9, 2002
Lurks round corner and loiters a little before coming in......
.....coughs to clear throat.......Hiya. Erm Can I ask a question?
I have this conversation that I posted on h2g2 and if you read it you will see it is about pheloxi.
Is there any way I can advertise it, just so pheloxi comes back to loads of good luck messages?
The thread is <./>f19585?thread=229176</.>
Please accept my apologies if I asked the wrong person. Still trying to find my way around after 2 months!!!)
Jim Lynn Posted Dec 9, 2002
Actually, Mina (U290) or Abi (U281) would be better people to drum up support or point you in the right direction.
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