This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn


Post 1

Martin Harper

zcollective? New site?



Post 2

Jim Lynn

I had hidden the pictures on the collective because it ruined their design, and they tend to use my page to test design changes, but when I was fixing their page's behaviour when the content is too wide (like with my pictures) I simply changed the name of the site so the sitefilter would fail and the pictures would be displayed - just in case I wanted to filter them out again.

So no, not a new site. You can usually tell when a new site has appeared, because I usually have a guide entry from it on my space for testing purposes...


Post 3

Martin Harper

ooh, neat trick smiley - smiley


Post 4


or you could sign up to BBCiTesters and spend entire afternoons with us searching for new sites! smiley - biggrin That reminds me, i must check if anymore are being tested (3 have been launched since i last checked, so some more must have been started, surly? smiley - winkeye)



Post 5


Nope, Jim doesn't seem to have posted to any new ones, and he's normally the first.



Post 6


Although there is one i found a few weeks ago that hasn't been launched yet (its not even on the live server), it looks interesting, but still seems to be at the development stage. Still a lot of work to be done...


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