This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Can you give Abi or Mina a kick for me?

Post 1


smiley - winkeye That should get some sort of response...

Actually, due to a complete mental breakdown on Friday afternoon, I posted a question aimed at you onto the aces e-group (don't ask me why! It was Friday afternoon, which should be enough of a reason for doing something so daft)

Anyway, I'm sure if you ask them nicely, or just throw something at them the next time your in the office, they'll let you know what it was..

smiley - cheers

Can you give Abi or Mina a kick for me?

Post 2

Jim Lynn

No, they both sent the message on to me, and I thought I'd replied.

Basically, don't be surprised if the amount of BBC branding increases on the plain skin. The toolbar will almost certainly appear, since that's mandatory, and links to the BBC homepage will no doubt appear when I have time. So don't get too attached to the BBC-free h2g2 smiley - smiley

Can you give Abi or Mina a kick for me?

Post 3


It was much the reverse... I got scared one of your bosses was going to nail you to the nearest tree for not including all the standard BBC junk smiley - winkeye

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Can you give Abi or Mina a kick for me?

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