This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 1


HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!

Sorry for that... smiley - winkeye

What I meant to say was: Why do you still have the list of people who think you are their friend on your PS when you removed it for the rest of us? And can I have one too in thanks for the fun you had answering all my stupid questions? smiley - winkeye


Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I only made it optional - I didn't remove it. Some people said they didn't want the information on their page, so I made it something they had to deliberately turn it on.

Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 3


Thing is, you didn't give us the option to turn it on, did you? (at least i can't see it)


Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 4

Jim Lynn

I gave everybody the OPTION to turn it on. Think of it as a 'Test' of how to put it on your own 'UserPage'.

Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 5


very clever Jim!


Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 6


is this the beginning of modular PSs?


Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 7

Jim Lynn

It's a possibility. Wouldn't be hard to control everything in this way.

Recipricol Friends lists - aka. you cheeky devil

Post 8


It would be easier to control everything this way if I didn't had to decrypt your posts first... smiley - winkeye


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