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Got a problem with h2g2... can you help?
GreeboTCat Started conversation Nov 11, 2002
Hi... Me was directed over to you via the guru's, who think my problem may be more than they can handle... ~grin~
My problem is remarkably similar to Shazz's... in that me can't post to my h2g2 pages... but can to conversations... The problem started yesterday (sunday 10th) afternoon... Me had done nothing different with my computer... it just started to refuse to update my pages...
to be continued...
Got a problem with h2g2... can you help?
GreeboTCat Posted Nov 11, 2002
When I try.. I get this message...
'Web Site Not Responding
The web site you have requested may be experiencing technical difficulties due to a busy
or broken server.
Please try again by clicking the Reload icon on your navigation bar or, if that doesn't work,
you may want to return to the site at a later time.
502 Connection Hangup'
more coming... please hold the line...
Got a problem with h2g2... can you help?
GreeboTCat Posted Nov 11, 2002
Just as an expirement... Me tried to update one of my smaller pages... one me uses for testing out tables and badges and stuff... A62217 ... and lo it worked... me could update it... as you can see there's not a lot on it... about 18 lines of coding thats all... when me added a second greeblet badge to the coding (increasing the size of the coding on the page)... it failed to load once more... so it has something to do with the size of page me is trying to upload... but apart from that... me has no idea whats wrong...
Tis very frustrating... ~sigh~... especially as me runs so many quizzes and stuff that need updating daily... sorry about splitting up the message... it didn't want to post it in full it seems...
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer...
hugs... Greebs..xx
Got a problem with h2g2... can you help?
Jim Lynn Posted Nov 11, 2002
Have you installed or changed anything to do with your network connection? Changed your modem/router? Moved to broadband?
Got a problem with h2g2... can you help?
GreeboTCat Posted Nov 11, 2002
Nope.. nothing has been changed at all... it worked fine in the morning... but in the afternoon... it just wouldn't work... the computer had not even been turned off...
Me uses AOL but also use IE at times... it fails to work for both...
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Got a problem with h2g2... can you help?
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