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Technical bod required!
egon Started conversation Nov 3, 2002
As a high-ranking technical bod you should be able to help me. Right?
OK, I've been trying to get an introduction on my page for Talk buffy using a sitefilter "cult" tag, and it wasn't working, so I put in a different filter instead to exclude 360, collective and h2g2, but still no intro on the cult page. Am I doing something wrong?
Technical bod required!
Jim Lynn Posted Nov 3, 2002
It'll be a bug in the stylesheet for the cult section. Hold on.
Technical bod required!
Jim Lynn Posted Nov 3, 2002
Actually it's a bug in your GuideML.
The last tag in your SITEFILTER EXCLUDE (the collective one) isn't closed until the end of the CONTENTS tag - this is wrong. the SITE tags must awlays be closed, and the CONTENTS tag comes after the last SITE tag. This should then appear on all the other sites. You'll also need to delete the at the end of the CONTENTS tag.
(there is still a bug in the SITEFILTER handling which means that some unpredictable effects with EXCLUDE can happen, but that shouldn't affect your page.)
Technical bod required!
egon Posted Nov 3, 2002
Thank you
I knew you'd be able to tell me the exact way in which I was being a stupid t**t. I'm still confused as to why it didn't work when i tried to use the sitefilter to get it just on cult though, but I'm glad it's sorted. Thank you again
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Technical bod required!
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