This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Wotcha Jim!

Post 1

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hiya Jim! Something I thing you should be aware of... U45177 (Pastey) being a clever smiley - bleep and using the 'style' attribute to do 'clever' positioning tricks... Is this ok?

smiley - doctorsmiley - angelJ

Wotcha Jim!

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I've seen that before. I'm not particularly worried about it - after all, they're all our graphics. The only fix is to completely disable the style attribute, which might cause problems, and would be a shame.

Wotcha Jim!

Post 3

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Fair enough. The only (possible) problem I can see is that the position of the graphic obscures the BBC logo in his page. NOt sure how serious this is though...

smiley - cheers

smiley - doctorsmiley - angelJ

Wotcha Jim!

Post 4

Jim Lynn

Well, as I keep telling other site owners with fixed widths, this is user-generated content, and sometimes that means it breaks the layout, and we basically have to live with that.

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