This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Don't panic

Post 1


Now be calm, don't panic, but...the links on the first Don't Panic page (to the FAQ and to the
full list of Don't Panic articles) lead back to the frontpage. And hey, get some sleep.

Oh and...

Post 2


Yes, you did a very nice job here. And I am sure you are just being modest saying that
others helped you.

Oh and...

Post 3

Jim Lynn

No, really. Sean and Yoz and Shim and Emma and Cynthia and Sri and Dom and Neil and Sean and Tim and Guy were surfing the internet a bit while I did all the work, but it was nice to have the company.

Oh and...

Post 4


...for your generous appreciation of our efforts, Jim, you get my best, hardcore Paddington stare...smiley - winkeye

Jim ...

Post 5


Sorry to hear about your son. My daughter spend a great deal of time in the special care baby unit at St georges, It is a terrible ordeal to go through, I hope 1999/2000 brings you both happiness.
I am researcher/quant/qualitative - also past history of npd development, used to be involved in a lot of brainstorming stuff, for people like mcvities, london rubber co (durex to you) etc so if you ever do creative development sessions, I volunteer my services!! BTW, who is it that knows The Shree resturant in Tooting??!!

Sree Krishna

Post 6

Mr Tickle

I know it - but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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