This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Professional help needed (grovelling to Jim)

Post 1


Hi there smiley - grovel

I've a slight problem - if you have a look at F83059?thread=213510

you'll see a digibox user who can't use the 'remove from forum' button, so I posted up the (apparent) link to move the entry out of its forum - which appears to have partially worked... The conversation thread itself has been moved back to the thread, but the entry (A837867) is still marked as being in the Writing Workshop and thus cannot be moved to another forum (ie. PR) - what did I do wrong?

Professional help needed (grovelling to Jim)

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I don't think anything's wrong - this is now in Peer Review, I think. It does take a while for the articles to update their status - that part of it is a bug.

Professional help needed (grovelling to Jim)

Post 3


Thanks Jim

smiley - cheers

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Professional help needed (grovelling to Jim)

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