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Picture problem...

Post 1

Lifson Kofie

For some reason, in a lot of articles (but not Personal Spaces I notice), only the left-hand edge (about 3cm) is appearing on the page, and any captions seem to follow that. If I refresh the page, everything is returned to the way it's suppoed to be.

I'm on the machines at my college, using IE-6.0 under Win-NT4. I noticed this first in the h2g2 post, and today whilst looking at all the really lovely photos of your kids.

Picture problem...

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I've noticed that happen too - I think it's something to do with the way we display pictures - the browser is fetching part of the picture and assumes it's a certain width, and doesn't update that width when the rest of the picture reaches you. Like you've noticed, refreshing the page usually fixes the problem.

Trouble is, it's intermittent, so it's almost impossible to test and fix because we can't reproduce it. Thanks for reporting it, though.

Picture problem...

Post 3

Lifson Kofie

No problemo. smiley - ok

You take all those photos yourself?

Picture problem...

Post 4

Lifson Kofie

Idea - maybe it's happening, like when I open a new window, for some reason it isn't maximised - so it's assuming the width due to that, and staying like that when I maximise it!!!


Picture problem...

Post 5

Jim Lynn

It could very well be that. I'll have to bear that in mind.

And yes, I did take those pictures myself. They're also about a year old (in fact over a year because they were taken shortly after Isobel was born, and she was one in June) so I need to digitise some new ones.

Picture problem...

Post 6

Lifson Kofie

That's really cool. They're really nice. smiley - rainbow

I read the piece your wife wrote about Alexander. Although it's incredably sad when something like that happens to a baby, it was really interesting to read an account of it, and I thought that it was really nice that she put it up for the world to see. And the picture at the top really set it off. I was in my office at college reading it with tears in my eyes.

Your kids look so lovely - I can't wait to see the updated photos!

Hope you manage to fix the problem.
All the best.

smiley - towel Lifson smiley - coffee

Picture problem...

Post 7

Jim Lynn

I think they're nice, but I realise I'm biased, so it's always nice to have other people admiring them.

Part of the reason for Bernadette putting her diary of Alexander's life up was so that people might find it and read it, and it might help others in similar circumstances, or simply let them know they're not alone.

Also, it's a way of acknowledging his life and the time we were able to have with him.

Picture problem...

Post 8

Lifson Kofie

Photos: I think they're really nice too. smiley - rainbow I know what you mean about other people opinions being nice, I do a lot of stuff, and it really means something when someone appreciates it too.

Part of the reason that I love h2g2, is that not only is it (ever increasingly) "The Guide", but it can also be whatever else you want it to be. I think that it's wonderful that a lasting acknowledgement to someone has a place, and a place where it is reasonably safe, and where *everyone* can see it.

On another note - do you think that we will see you at the next meet?

All the best.


Picture problem...

Post 9

Jim Lynn

I try and make the London meets, and I usually bring the family along, so I expect I'll be there.

Picture problem...

Post 10

Lifson Kofie

smiley - biggrin Cool. I hope to see you there. smiley - smiley

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