This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

hello jim

Post 1


thank you for an excellent site. much appreciated!

hello jim

Post 2

Jim Lynn

On behalf of the whole <./>Team</.>, you're very welcome.

hello jim

Post 3


HI! I'm new to H2G2, and a bit confused. I've been searching for the "Spitting Image" show for years, and now have finally found someone who has transferred them on DVD- are you that person, and is there any way to get a copy?
Sorry to sound so naive about this site.
[email protected]

hello jim

Post 4

Jim Lynn

I've got a couple of episodes, which I've transferred to DVD as part of my archiving of my video collection, but I'm not selling them (because that would be illegal). And it doesn't look like they're available commercially yet.

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