This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Sir, Dear Sir, I find this poopy....

Post 1

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Owlatron leader of the league of thundercats!!(currently 12 members) (2194 posts, average size 28)
Luke Skywalker(owlatrons thunder cats)Giong for the prize for having the longest name on the h2g2 web site, which happens to be (1224 posts, average size 85)
VIP says:Come and see Nyssabird an' me at :/F75930?thread=141731 (146 posts, average size 78)
Em (Owlatrons - babbling - Thundercat) (122 posts, average size 73)
Andrew Wyld [kt:'Burning Pestle', kp:'Mutamems, Ideodiversity', Zaph.] (111 posts, average size 133)
Tinkerbell (You're all wonderful dahlings! A148907) (100 posts, average size 149)
Quille the cynic laughing at Martha Stewart..Owl's Thundercat!Visit the Happy Tails Kennel(A796458) (70 posts, average size 117)
Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (200 posts in one day!) (68 posts, average size 84)
(Archangel!!!) Dragonfly(Keyword: Muse) Monthly Average of Posts: 1260. Great Zeus!!!! (67 posts, average size 47)
Cat (66 posts, average size 60)

You see how MANY posts those first two people have!??.... Well... as suspected, it's all spam-like.... smiley - grr

I began a thread with the second deviant, and his reply was 227 posts of


smiley - sadfacesmiley - grrsmiley - cry Is this legal!?? Sure, yeah... but... smiley - crysmiley - wah

Really poo, and takes the fun out of your efforts to show us who has the most postings, et al. I find it cheating!!!! smiley - steam

Sir, Dear Sir, I find this poopy....

Post 2


This is not allowed on H2G2 and will probably get the user warned/suspended/banned. It is not Jim's job though, you should probably Yikes! one of the spams (click the button next to it, either a ! in a circle or a face with an open mouth (i think)). Then it will get dealt with properly. We all hate spammers so it shouldn't take long to sort.

Sir, Dear Sir, I find this poopy....

Post 3


I just had a look at some of his conversations. Are you sure he's a spammer and not just someone with WAY to much time on his hands? He really does seem to post every couple of minutes and they all seem to be valid posts. Strange guy though...

Sir, Dear Sir, I find this poopy....

Post 4

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Wow. Good work. Thanks for your timely response. I should have thought to use Linda... smiley - winkeye

I've been here almost three years, and yet... smiley - laugh Really funny!!!

Didn't read either of the two highest posters at that time... It takes all kinds, and that is GROOOOVY!!! smiley - smiley


Ok... it's past my bedtime!!!

Again, thanks, and I'll do my best to be good and remember that Linda is there to help!! YAY!!!!

Sir, Dear Sir, I find this poopy....

Post 5

Jim Lynn

He was definitely spamming at the time the complaint was made. Unless his internet connection was completely messed up.

Sir, Dear Sir, I find this poopy....

Post 6

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


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